Thiers Issard in Horn

Begonnen von Leon, 22. August 2010, 22:58:38

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Some vintage razors come with stock scales that are a total mess. Even if they're in good condition, some are just not right and this was the case.
The razor is a vintage Thiers Issard. It says "69 Medaille d'Argent" on the shank. On the blade, the etching has slightly faded away, but it says "1937 Special Coiffeur", which is a text that some current production TI's also have. The scales were plain and slim black made of plastic. Too small for such a blade. The pins were on the limit of the scales and the wedge was really small so the blade could (barely) close. A total mess, I don't know what happened in TI decades ago when this razor was first assembled.
Recently I got some translucent blonde ox horn cut as I wanted, I assembled the scales halves and the wedge together and this lovely blade that cuts like charm now is "dressed" properly.

So here it is:

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Hi Leon,
i have to say this is one elegant razor and the beautiful blond scales you made are matching perfectly (the white!)!
Cheers jap


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